
Commercial Blog

Hey you guys,
So, I'm a little overdue with this blog. What matters though is that Cambridge sees this for the sake of my grade. My partner Tay and I did the NIKE commercial and we finally got to edit it today and look back at our videos. Something funny happened actually when looking back at our footage we found out that my finger was in the way of the lens of the camera the entire time. I didn't realize this before. Though when we moved to film on the grass area my hand was out of the lens way, so I still don't understand how that managed to happen, but it did. Moving on, when we finally got to edit our videos I got to admit there were some issues between cooperation and working as a team. I arrived at class finding my partner Taylor getting a head start on editing our footage which was amazing to find out that we had already got started on working on it. Everything was fine until it came to both of us editing together. 
  I felt like Taylor had more control than I did. I wanted to included creative edits to our commercial and have the commercial align very close to our storyboard. But most of our footage wasn't able to make it on there which could have but wasn't able to because unfortunately, my partner complained that it was going beyond the time limit. There was so much I could've done to fix that such as speed up a video or slow down a video but that I didn't get to do at all. We didn't get to fix any sort of lighting or add transitioning effects though all weren't really necessary to be put into the commercial which I completely understand. Though I would've like to try and practice with the software and maybe some effects might've even contributed to the theme.  The only thing I had more control over because she didn't care very much, was the audio. 
  So, our idea was to merge two songs together (an instrumental track, and a song with lyrics fading in later on). So I downloaded three songs; two which consist of the same song with both an instrumental track and the official song lyrics. Then, an instrumental to a different song. Though after editing and merging both the songs together it didn't seem to flow together and after letting my partner listen and letting her know my concern she said it sounded fine. Though I had another alternative I wanted to try then we would both compare the two but she didn't allow me to. Towards the end of class, still having over 20 minutes left till class ended we watched the video a couple of times and I felt like I had no choice to agree on settling on submitting it. Though I told her I want go back and edit some things and add a bit of creativity to the commercial. But she went ahead and exported the video and submitted the project.
 Overall, the honest grade we deserve is like a very low C or a D+ because we both didn't do our best to meet the criteria/rubric of the project. The cooperation wasn't there and finally our video didn't turn out to be of good work ethic. That's to summarize this blog guys.

Love, Dee

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Hi Blog!   Unfortunately filming couldn't happen the past week, there were a couple of events that took place during this time. I'...