

Hi Blog!

  Unfortunately filming couldn't happen the past week, there were a couple of events that took place during this time. I'm involved in certain clubs that I already had scheduled prior to filming this week. On Monday, I am involved in the leadership committee for a girls club called bloom so it is required that I attend that club for every meeting mainly because I have such a big role in this club. On Tuesdays I usually attend choir practice at our school, but I made an effort to film so I decided to miss one practice but in our convenience choir practice was canceled that day. Yet, still no one made arrangements to film as planned. On Wednesday I unfortunately wasn't able to film as planned because there was a mandatory band rehearsal that I had to attend to prep for a music performance assessment that was taking place next week on Monday that the entire band was prepping. It was also a grade that attended this rehearsal because we only had a few left upcoming. This explains why I couldn't make it to film on Wednesday afternoon after school.
  I did reach out to my group to let them know that. On Thursday, wasn't a good day for one of our group members to film so that wasn't able to happened, I also didn't transportation to get back home in time. I also had to attend a rehearsal taking place after school for a black history month showcase that was taking place at the end of the month of Funerary. Though I did not let my group know beforehand which was completely of my responsibility. Friday and the weekends we weren't able to film because of scheduled activities that took place, for me personally I had a youth meeting to go to from my church on Saturday and then church Sunday morning which is an inconvenient time for when we had to film. One of the films were a night scene we had to film for out movie which needed to be done in the night time which was out of schedule for us.
  Later on, I realized that it was going to become more and more difficult for me to meet up with the group so I reached out to them and asked them if I could re-shoot some of the scenes, and film all the necessary scenes that my character was included in. I took the role of playing the main character so I am a big part of filming. Hailey one of my group members gave me the tripod and I Emma one of the group members had the camera at home. I took the tripod from Hailey but, didn't receive the camera from Emma yet. Hopefully filming would go more smoothly this time, and I'm able to film as much parts as needed. This time we would need to schedule and along with everything else we have going on. We'll see how filming goes in the next blog.
Love, Dee


Peer Review Blog

Hey Blog!
 We are going to discuss peer review that happened this Monday. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get a portion of our production done because of issues on the editing software that had occurred. Our group member Emma had technical difficulties that took place during the time in class we were given to edit. I wasn't able to be in class that day because I had to attend a mandatory rehearsal that was taking place that period. We were given another group's product to review as well, but that group had a similar problem as well. Both our groups had technical difficulties that occurred with the software.
 Though issues did occur with the software, I feel like there was ways this could've been avoided. Such as report to our teacher that we were having issues with the editing software in the present moment, as well as explain to her beforehand why we weren't able to have a portion of our product ready for peer review. We might've received an alternative task to do that day, or given extra time to have some portion ready for our peers to review. When we gave another group not a single portion of our project which gave them nothing to be able to critique, and we weren't able to receive constructive criticism on ways we could improve on our film. We were given a review sheet and when filling out our review sheet it was mainly incomplete, and we had to fill N/A (not available to most of the questions as guide lines to critique the other group. We exchanged out review paper with the other group and as shown below we were graded poorly on our filming as so did they. They gave us a suggestion to work better on our time management. Which we as group decided that would be taken into consideration.
 To be completely honest I feel like there were decisions and actions that could've been taken beforehand. to avoid missing out on peer review as part of project. Suggestions we came up with for ourselves were report an issue when there is one taking place at any given time, find a quick solution to out issue in order for it not to become a major problem later on. Be more productive and plan wisely during class time, also to improve on our time management. Set the goal for what tasks need to get done by the end of each class period we are able to edit. Our group takes full responsibility for not being able to take part in peer review on Monday.


Hi Blog!   Unfortunately filming couldn't happen the past week, there were a couple of events that took place during this time. I'...