Today, we were going to be editing the footage we filmed last time for our commercial. The one introduced about a couple of blogs ago. Though there were some technical difficulties with the computers we were working with. We logged into them and pinnacle studios the editing software we were going to use took a massive amount of time loading everything. At first, my partner and I thought it was our computer alone that was malfunctioning then, in the background our professor Mrs. Marchionne we heard and saw that she was also having issues with other students computers as well. She went around and tried helping everyone the best way she could but, wasn't making much progress. After, the class realized this wasn't working she had us all remove our footage from our desktops and transfer them to a place where we could still be able to dump them onto a new desktop. Some of us prefer to save it on iCloud, others Google Drive while, my partner Tay and I decided to use Google drive because its way for us and we both can easily access it as to us both having gmail accounts. Throughout the entire time while we were trying to get pinnacle studios to work we worked on our film blogs because that was also due that same day.
The students in the class started stressing about their grades and all they needed to get done before class was over the technical difficulties weren't making it any better. The computers took all the time in the world to load everything and a lot of us were getting really impatient. Our professor Mrs. Marchionne told us something that was so relieving "Guys I wouldn't ever fail you for something that you physically can't get done." We all started to calm down, and work on our Filming Blogs for the remainder of that class then, everyone at the end of class closed out their desktops and started packing for the rest of the class and we put the issues of the computers to deal with for next class which was today. We walk into class today hoping that everything was resolved and the computers were fixed. Most of the class seemed pretty excited to start editing today, I could tell with all the exciting expressions on their faces. Sadly though, our professor steps up to the front and tells us that the computers remain not working and that we'll be receiving new laptops to start working. We''ll have to wait for them to arrive to start working on the editing process, and move forward with all that has happened. I will include what me and my partner had planned to edit in our commercial that we filmed.
We wanted to add in a couple of slow motion effects here and there to add in a dramatic effect at the begging of the commercial and alternate between different scenes so it would creatively display all the montages. The one thing specifically for my group was that we were really excited for though is adding in the music for the commercial. My partner Tay and I both have an admiration for the music genre KPOP and we had an idea of including the instrumentals of not one, but two of our favorite songs as the soundtrack for our commercials. My group was also pretty excited to look at all the footage we took and how good we did and comment on everything. So that's it blog, today didn't go as planned nothing did but see you next time for the next one. Hopefully we'll be editing by then. Byee!!
Luv Dee ♥