Editing was quite a but of a struggle, honestly we weren't able to get much got done. When arriving to class we were given instructions and we began to edit. During the first 15 minutes of class we dropped off our footage on the SD card to our desktop. Then, Emma one of our group members decided it would be best if we went through every single footage and deleted all the unnecessary videos we wouldn't need or use. Hailey and I didn't think that it was such a good idea to dedicate so much time into looking through each and every single video, and it would take up our time for our editing process. We explained to her that it might take too much time of the limited amount of time we had to edit. However, Emma thought it would be a much easier process to remove all the unnecessary footage and work with the descent ones when we get to editing. Since I figured we wouldn't get a chance to edit I suggested that it would be best to back up our footage so we would still have them in case anything went wrong. While Emma and Hailey was sorting through our footage I took the time and uploaded all our footage to my google drive, which took about 10 mins for it to to finish uploading. After, we were done uploading we re-watched and sorted most of the footage we had.We took the time to delete footage that wasn't needed and was unnecessary. Sorting through the footage took our entire class time and we were not able editing done.
Overall, I think we should've took the class time to edit and not look over our footage. Since we were able to upload our footage on google drive reviewing could be done at home instead of during our class time which was intended for the use of taking the time to edit on the editing software which can't be reachable from home.During, other class times we able to start editing more, and get few things accomplished which I'll be discussing in further blogs. That's all there is for the beginning of the editing process blog. I hope you enjoyed reading! See you on the next one.